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Invesco - Beyond the Freeze: Blockchain's revival after the Crypto Winter

Invesco - Beyond the Freeze: Blockchain's revival after the Crypto Winter

Investors' interest in digital assets continued during 2022, in a context where crypto assets declined and several market participants failed, showing that “winter is here”, with challenges garnering most attention around the blockchain ecosystem.

With the power of asset tokenisation, blockchain developments are paving the way for a gradual transition from a traditional Web2 model to a futuristic Web3 model – with the addition of virtual reality to the metaverse.

Conversely, it looks like many innovations remain promising for traditional finance. In this framework, international regulation needs to be increased to carry over proven safeguards from traditional finance without stifling innovation.

What awaits us in 2023?

In this new Blockchain Webinar Keith Bear (Fellow, Cambridge Centre of Alternative Finance) and Christopher Mellor (EMEA Head of Equity and Commodities ETFs, Invesco) will discuss the current global blockchain ecosystem trends.

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