04 November 2021 Calls for greater taxonomy sophistication Does the green investing taxonomy leave the financial service industry open to...
27 August 2021 Update: Shocking amount of ESG funds not sustainable 71 percent of ESG investment funds do not meet the global climate targets set...
04 November 2020 Asset managers: neck and neck election race ‘worst possible outcome’ The too-close-to-call race in the US presidential elections is the worst...
02 November 2020 ‘Biden victory will lead to value rotation’ A victory of Joe Biden in the US presidential election will bring an end to the...
18 June 2020 ESG and value funds launched in wake of pandemic Vanguard and UBS have launched ESG funds, taking advantage of the increased...
17 December 2019 UBS plans to wind down dedicated unit for the super-rich Iqbal Khan, the new co-head of global wealth management at UBS, plans to break...
11 December 2019 Number of family offices soars worldwide The year 2018 saw a 37% jump in the number of worldwide single family offices to...