10 novembre 2020 GaveKal: not Covid but the renminbi is the event of 2020 What was the most important event to precede the 2008 financial crisis? Was it...
09 novembre 2020 Has the value rotation arrived? Pfizer’s coronavirus vaccine that sent global stock markets higher on Monday...
08 novembre 2020 Hydrogen – the next frontier for energy investors Hydrogen will play a key role in the energy transition and will therefore offer...
04 novembre 2020 Asset managers: neck and neck election race ‘worst possible outcome’ The too-close-to-call race in the US presidential elections is the worst...
03 novembre 2020 ‘Investors can benefit from Chinese switch to gas' Investors in Asia cannot ignore the large technology stocks, according to David...
02 novembre 2020 ‘Biden victory will lead to value rotation’ A victory of Joe Biden in the US presidential election will bring an end to the...
27 octobre 2020 ‘45% of investors’ active equity risk not rewarded’ An average of 45% of active equity risk taken by institutional investors can be...
21 octobre 2020 ‘Credit markets are in waiting mode’ European credit markets have hardly responded to the reports about the second...
20 octobre 2020 'Les investisseurs doivent rendre des comptes au Big Tech' De nombreuses entreprises technologiques sont devenues des mastodontes en peu de...
22 octobre 2020 Forte hausse du volume des obligations à rendement négatif Bien que les observateurs en parlent peu, le volume des obligations à rendement...