13 avril 2023 FundRock MD: debt funds, low leverage strategies in strong position Alternative investments strategies relying on limited bank financing appear to...
08 février 2023 CSSF fines FundRock €45,800 for benchmark violation Luxembourg alternative investment fund manager FundRock, part of the Apex Group...
23 décembre 2022 Apex Group still hungry after absorbing Sanne and Maitland Apex Group in January will bring all its different management company sub-brands...
11 octobre 2022 Fundsmith to distribute funds in Italy via FundRock FundRock, a Luxembourg-based third-party management company part of the Apex...
21 juin 2022 At Apex Group, Luxembourg inspires a global business model At Apex Group, present in Luxembourg also with management companies such as...
03 juin 2022 PWC: Alternatives add dynamism to ManCo market Unregulated alternative investments continued to be dynamic and successful in...