25 June 2020 Outperformance despite tech underweight Skagen Global remains an outlier among global equity funds. The fund shuns most...
22 June 2020 Why factor investing keeps disappointing Due to a sustained period of underperformance, investors are increasingly...
17 June 2020 Is private asset optimism justified? Despite the profound economic shock that continues to play out, investors in...
16 June 2020 Coronavirus leads to EM of two paces The performance gap between East Asia and other emerging markets has never been...
12 June 2020 Investors flock to outperforming ESG funds Whereas European equity funds suffered substantial outflows during the...
08 June 2020 How a midcap fund managed to limit losses in 2020 The Echiquier Agenor SRI Mid Cap Europe fund managed to limit its losses year-to...
05 June 2020 Why stock investors always look on the bright side of life Europe and the United States are facing an almost unprecedented economic crisis...
29 May 2020 Investors oppose coronavirus cost cuts Companies that opted to retain their staff and take measures to support their...
27 May 2020 ‘Return of domestic investors to trigger Japan rally’ The return of private Japanese investors to the stock market could trigger a...
26 May 2020 Dramatic reshuffle for S&P Low Volatility Index The S&P 500 Low Volatility Index, consisting of the 100 least volatile stocks in...