31 January 2022 Podcast with Nicolas Mackel, Luxembourg For Finance Nicolas Mackel, CEO of Luxembourg For Finance, speaks to us about Luxembourg's...
28 January 2022 Finance gets ready for 2030 It may be only 8 years away, but many representatives of Luxembourg’s financial...
28 October 2021 Towards global ESG reporting SFDR and the green investing taxonomy have been broadly well received across...
20 August 2021 Amazonisation: the rise of finance platforms Financial services firms have paid attention as a variety of mostly-American...
21 May 2021 Offering international products to Chinese investors Yesterday we saw how Luxembourg is playing a significant role helping...
20 May 2021 Luxembourg's burgeoning China connection Quietly, Luxembourg has built substantial fund investment access to the Chinese...
25 February 2021 EU-UK equivalence ‘only a temporary fix’ for fund industry EU-UK relations regarding financial sector regulation are liable to be fraught...
11 December 2020 Lux PM Bettel: ‘Taxes are poison’ ‘Taxes are poison for companies hit by the crisis,’ Xavier Bettel told a...
15 October 2020 The Brexit outlook: trading fish for Mifid equivalence? ‘Cod quotas traded for Mifid equivalences,’ is how Luxembourg For Finance CEO...