
‘We tried to civilise Russia. We did not succeed.’ 
Joachim Bitterlich. Photo: Getty Images.
957d0f88-9843-… Thu, 04/28/2022 - 06:00
In a world where new powers, forces and risks are emerging, it is time to reset...
'Side-pocketing Russian assets requires preparation'
Nicolas Hennebert, Partner and Investment Management Leader Audit & Assurance at Deloitte Luxembourg.
957d0f88-9843-… Wed, 04/13/2022 - 06:00
Funds exposed to the Ukraine war have new liquidity management options following...
Russia sanctions fuel debate over crypto
Russia bitcoin
957d0f88-9843-… Mon, 04/04/2022 - 10:54
Sanctions imposed on companies and individuals in Russia and Belarus have...
Luxembourg freezes 2.5 billion euro in Russian assets
Luxembourg's Finance Minister Yuriko Backes addressing the parliament on Tuesday. Photo: Luxembourg Finance Ministry.
957d0f88-9843-… Wed, 03/30/2022 - 12:04
Luxembourg has frozen some 2.5 billion euro in Russian assets, mostly held in...