
'Systemic greenwash', scientists ask to ditch SDGs
Professor Jem Bendell presents the scientists' letter to UN leaders at a meeting in Bali, Indonesia this week. Photo: Jem Bendell.
957d0f88-9843-… Fri, 05/27/2022 - 11:22
More than one hundred scientists are calling on the United Nations to ditch the...
Sopiad aspires to reshape client interactions in ESG era
From left to right: Sopiad CEO Pierre Nemeth, chair of the board David Suetens and CCO Julien Renkin. Photo: Sopiad.
957d0f88-9843-… Tue, 05/17/2022 - 06:00
A university-sponsored wealthtech startup based in Liège, Belgium, is keen to...
As investors push, CEOs struggle with sustainability
A red turtle in a Red Sea coral reef. Photo by Antje Schultner via Flickr.
957d0f88-9843-… Thu, 05/12/2022 - 06:00
An increasing number of chief executives recognises that sustainability is one...